Tuesday, February 27, 2018


  1. Post your Stop Motion Project to the Google Community (NOBODY DID THIS!!)
  2. Add your reflection: How do you think it turned-out? What could be improved?
  3. What is better, a blog or website? Read this article and respond with your answer and why?
  1. Learn about blogs
    1. Why you should blog
  2. Anatomy of a Webpage Lecture, Vocabulary (CLASSWORK)
  3. Create Blog Page and Portfolio Page
    Page without Table
  4. Introduction to Adobe Character Animator
  5. 3D Printing  
    1. Complete Learning Activities . Screenshot or use "Snipping Tool" to save image. (Science Grade)
    2. Create an original keychain, it must contain text and a hole. The size should be no larger than 16 square inches.  (Project Grade)
    3. Create an object from scratch OR modify a model from Thingiverse  (Extra Credit)


  1. I personally believe that websites are better because you can make more profits off of a website with ads rather than a blog. Not every website is in the same format. For instance, the website Reddit is a chatroom where people all over the world discuss different topics with each other, and websites like those make profit from the ads that are linked to your interests.

  2. i think websites are better because blogs are opinions, most websites have facts and info that is useful

  3. Blogs are better because they are interactive and educational.

  4. A website is better for selling a product and doesn't need a blog to build a relationship with the customer base. If the website looks professional enough and has good advertising people will most likely purchase something from it multiple times.

    A blog is better for someone who provides a service and can't sustain a business from a 1 sided interaction. One is not better than the other and both exist to satisfy different needs.

  5. In my opinion I think that a blog is the most useful. Websites can be useful too if the person sets it up the right way by maybe adding a live chat but I think that blogs have more benefits. Blogs get updated way more than a websites do and blogs attract people that are interested in what you post so they daily readers will want to come back and enjoy what you post. Also with blogs you can be introduced to more people and have a good relationship with your readers.

  6. Blog. I picked blog because they are usually updated giving the person an direct idea of how you feel. Its more informal which people really like more than being fake. Content is flowing which will keep people interested instead of an website which can get boring.

  7. I say that a website is better, It is seen as more professional and websites can be made to have the benefits of blog and more. Websites also seem more reliable to people for information.

  8. I feel that both have their ups and downs depending on what you are going for and how you want your image to look if you are just going for profit then the website would be the best choice however if you want to make a stable community around your products then the blogs would be the way to go.

  9. Personally I think blogs are better because since you receive better communication with the customers and have them most likely come back to you for more products.

  10. One or the other they both do what they're made to do.

  11. I think that the blog because it is more interactive and also it makes people feel more comfortable, not feeling pressured to buy something, the only thing is taht you have to be consistent, you will promote more.

  12. I think websites are better because you can generate more revenue with them and people from anywhere in the world can visit and connect with each other on them.

  13. They are both good in their own aspects and I wouldn't say any are better alone, it depends what theyre being used for. A blog is more so a surface where the people who view it also can communicate back and have a 2 way relationship while websites are professional and are to get things done and there is no communicating back from the viewer to the admin / owner of the site

  14. I believe that websites are more useful because they allow for more customization if you have the skills to do so.

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  15. I think having a website instead of a blog seems and looks more professional. You can also assort things the way you want them to be. It's better for people to view your work outside of the U.S as well.

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  18. I like blogs better because they are informal and more personal. You can be more like yourself and not fake and you can I can interact with people more.

  19. I believe they are both great depending on who is using it and why. For example, a business person would choose a website over blog because it will help their business while an ordinary person would go with blog to express their style and taste.

  20. I like blogs better. I like it because you can write stories, articles, or some advice. You can be yourself and people can comment on your blogs if they like your opinions or not.

  21. I think website is better cause it is personally good for business

  22. I think that a blog is slightly better. They both have there ups and downs. But with a blog there is less to take care of. And 8 times out of ten someone does a blog cause they want to, meaning that that it might look nicer than a website would.
