Friday, November 17, 2017

Turkey, Gratitude Pumpkin,


  1. Turn-in Permission Slips/Money for InfoAge
  2. Create/Open Google+. Follow me (Jeremy Dusza)

  1. Create a Pumpkin AND/OR a Turkey in Illustrator  Export as JPEG and/or print-out with your name
  2. Create a "Gratitude Pumpkin" using this template
  3. Create summary in Google+ which includes description of what you did for each project and attach JPEGS
  4. Start thinking about your Infographic Poster. See examples and research/type ideas for yours.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Class Intro, Intro. to Illustrator

Print your name on sign-in sheet
Take a piece of paper, fold it in half like a greeting card.
On the inside write down two facts about yourself and then place it in the basket.
Learn Class rules/Procedures
Learn the difference between vector and raster graphics
Make a custom pencil
Create a turkey?

Image result for adobe illustrator

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Class Wrap-Up, Applied Subjects

Complete Course Reflection
Move all files from desktop to BKGA folder


  1. Size T-Shirt Designs to fit in 8.5x11 - save to Shared Data/Multimedia/T-Shirts
  2. Applied Math - Point Measurement
  3. Print/Press T-Shirts
  4. Applied English - TBD

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Portfolio Presentation, T-Shirt Design

Check-in with the substitute for attendance.
The following people are signed-up for Cattus Island today:
  1. Leann Lesko
  2. Carlos Fierros
  3. Alexis Fitzsimmons
  4. Paniel Koto
  5. Justin Miranda
  6. Sebastian Caro
  7. Mallory Wagner
  8. Rhianna Varela

Choose two or more of the following:
Make a thanksgiving turkey - upload your progress
3D Text in Phtoshop - upload your progress
Thanksgiving History Game - list 5 things you learned
Prepare T-Shirt Designs for Printing - upload your progress

* Salvation Army dinner tomorrow (Video Production - Justin Neumann, Alexa Cuzzo)
** Sorry for not being here, I woke up with a pounding headache and my throat on fire**

Monday, November 13, 2017

Portfolio, T-Shirt Design, Last Day for Grades

Check-in with substitute teacher for attendance
Get grade report and check for missing projects and quizzes (Grades due today)
a.      Finish/Submit Photoshop Portfolio to classroom and community
b.     Design a T-Shirt to be produced using a T-Shirt Transfer. It should be contained in a shape like a logo so it is easier to cut.
c.      Complete Double Exposure and/or help someone make one
d.     Do something productive if you are done… repeat a project, find a new tutorial, etc.

e.      LAST Blog…. Tell me what you did AND show me or I will assume you did nothing