Friday, November 30, 2018


Take Illustrator Quiz - Open notes but NOT a group effort - NO TALKING


  1. Finish Planning: 
    1. Make a Word/Google Doc including 
      1. your reference image/sketch
      2. describe how you will create buildings
      3. what texture/pattern you will use
      4. how light will effect it
  2. Applied Math - Image Resolution
  3. Applied English - TBD
  4. Twitter @ocvtsmultimedia. Share the link to your planning document

Thursday, November 29, 2018


  1. Take down your turkey hand in hallway
  2. Decorate studio windows?
  3. (Adobe Creative Cloud available for $15.99/month until 11/30)
  1. Understand Perspective Cityscape Project Requirements and see examples
  2. Plan Cityscape Project and get approval to begin designing
  3. Use Epilog Laser to cut perimeter of leaf - make sure file saved to shared folder
  4. Use Twitter to post daily summary - Post summary @ocvtsmultimedia 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


  1. Turn-In Field Trip Permission/$7 - DUE TODAY
  2. How would you describe what a perspective drawing is to someone?
    (reply to this blog as comment below for ENGLISH GRADE)
  3. Decorate studio windows

    (Adobe Creative Cloud available for $15.99/month until 11/30)
  1. Perspective Practice: (VIDEO)
    1. Adjust Perspective Grid
    2. Draw faces of 3 buildings
    3. Name and Title in Perspective 
    4. Apply swatches from libraries

  2. Understand Perspective Cityscape Project Requirements and see examples
  3. Use Epilog Laser to cut perimeter of leaf - make sure file saved to shared folder
  4. Use Twitter to post daily summary - Post summary @ocvtsmultimedia 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


  1. Turn-In Field Trip Permission/$7 - DUE WEDNESDAY
  2. Open your "Leaf Drawing" from yesterday.
    Watch video from yesterday and try to "Offset Path" (13:16)
  1. Create Cut-Line by "Offset Path"
  2. Use Epilog Laser to cut perimeter of leaf
  3. Understand Perspective Drawing using Adobe Illustrator
    1. Lecture
    2. Questions
    3. Make a building with 2-pt perspective
      Image result for simple illustrator 2pt perspective
  4. Use Twitter to post daily summary - Post summary @ocvtsmultimedia 

Monday, November 26, 2018


  1. Turn-In Field Trip Permission/$7 - DUE WEDNESDAY
  2. Get your grade report; check for missing work and verify absences
  3. Make sure your name tag is on your monitor and make sure it has all the things it was supposed to: (Document size 6x6 Guides at 1, 3 5 Name in decorative font Name Fill & Stroke Warp applied Style applied Texture applied to background Sun made with gradient Half-oval made and type on path)

  1. Learn to use the Pen tool:
    1. Watch Lecture and complete notes
    2. Practice online
    3. Trace a leaf (VIDEO LESSON)
  2. Use Twitter to post daily summary
    1. Understand terminology
    2. Create Account (use professional identity)
    3. Post summary @ocvtsmultimedia #ocvtsdvc