Thursday, February 15, 2018


Put all phones away
Check-in with substitute for attendance
Study Color Theory Worksheet and notes from Camera Usage for Quiz

1.    Complete Animation Quiz #3 – Color Theory and Camera Usage
2.    Complete Stop-Motion Storyboard – Make sure to include framing in thumbnails and credit musical selections
3.    Applied Math – Proportions
4.    Create daily summary using Google+. Include the summary from your Storyboard and describe what you did in Math.


Surrender your phone for extra credit or put it away and turn-off
Congratulations Lesley Yupa - 6 Votes

  1. Camera/Tripod Demo
    1. Camera assignments
    2. Camera Usage: Camera power, image quality, white balance, recording/playback, transferring files
    3. Camera Framing (English Grade) 
    4. Tripod opening, attaching to camera, making adjustments
  2. Stop-Motion Planning (Classwork Grade)EXAMPLE
    1. Create Storyboard using Google Docs to include:
      1. Write 3-4 sentences to describe the story
      2. Title (animated by letter)
      3. Sketch at least 10 key-frames which illustrate pivotal moments
      4. Credits: Produced by Your Name, DVC logo, Music (Artist/Title)
  3. Quiz Tomorrow on Color Theory & Camera Framing, Camera Useage 
  4. 3D Printing  
    1. Complete Learning Activities . Screenshot or use "Snipping Tool" to save image. (Science Grade)
    2. Create an original keychain, it must contain text and a hole. The size should be no larger than 16 square inches.  (Project Grade)
    3. Create an object from scratch OR modify a model from Thingiverse  (Extra Credit)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Surrender your phone for extra credit or put it away and turn-off
View classmates examples of Photoshop Animated Scenes. +1 Your favorite and explain why you chose it. Be specific (English Grade)

  1. Stop-Motion Planning
    1. See examples: PinteristPast Students
    2. Create a Google Doc (EXAMPLE) to include the following:
      1. The URL (Web Address) to someone else's creation you would like to use as a model
      2. What is the theme/style used to create stop motion
        (photography, drawing, model manipulation, other)
      3. What mood will be created? (Humor, Suspense, Excitement, Mystery)
      4. Explain what parts you will copy and what parts you will change
      5. What is the illusion created?
      6. What items will you need to produce the scene?
      7. Share with me (
  2. 3D Printing  
    1. Complete Learning Activities . Screenshot or use "Snipping Tool" to save image. (Science Grade)
    2. Create an original keychain, it must contain text and a hole. The size should be no larger than 16 square inches.  (Project Grade)
    3. Create an object from scratch OR modify a model from Thingiverse  (Extra Credit)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Surrender your phone for extra credit or put it away and turn-off
Complete/Submit Your Photoshop Animated Scene
**Complete Timeline Quiz from Friday if you were absent. Show me results when done.

  1. Color Theory Vocab - Complete worksheet - Due Today
  2. 3D Printing Discussion - Complete Learning Activities show me the keychain when done. Create an object from scratch OR modify a model from Thingiverse 
  3. Stop-Motion Planning
    1. Get Ideas: RefrigeratorGoodPast Students
  4. Laser-Engraved Pencils?

Monday, February 12, 2018


Surrender your phone for extra credit or put it away and turn-off
Get your grade report and show me any missing work
Drone Discussion

Learn Audio editing using files from freeSFX (Username=jdusza, PW=dvc23451)
Finish Photoshop Animated Scene
Color Theory Vocab

3D Printing Discussion