Friday, January 31, 2020


Do Now:
Be ready file file management check if you were not here yesterday

  1. Submit Choice Project "As-Is" by the end of day for extra credit
    1. Perspective Cityscape Community
  2. Finish Portfolio(6 projects, objectives, tools, final reflection, change background and colors
    1. Put link to your page in Google+
  3. Print/Mount Favorite project (MATH GRADE)
  4. Portfolio Presentations

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Do Now:
Be ready file file management check

  1. Submit Choice Project "As-Is" by the end of day for extra credit
    1. Perspective Cityscape Community
  2. Finish Portfolio(6 projects, objectives, tools, final reflection, change background and colors
    1. Put link to your page in Google+
  3. Print/Mount Favorite project

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


  1. Organize your files for grade... they should be organized by class/project/yourname_project name_final
  2. Continue adding images and text to portfolio (DUE TOMORROW)
  1. Resume updates with Mrs. Infranco
  2. GMetrix 
    1. Start a new Test
    2. Redeem Code: 19632-AIAM-10360
    3. "Illustrator Certification Practice" 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


  1. Complete/Submit Choice Project
  1. Portfolio Creation (Video Tutorial
    1. Add Portfolio Page to Navigation
    2. Change colors of background, fonts, etc.
  2. GMetrix 
    1. Start a new Test
    2. Redeem Code: 19632-AIAM-10360
    3. "Illustrator Certification Practice" 
EXTRA Credit/Alternate Projects:
VHS to DVD Transfer +10 points per tape
OCVTS News: (Replace Project Grade)
+5 for daily grade Write a response to the job posting below and share it with me
+15 send the letter and share the response with me

Monday, January 27, 2020


  1. Complete Skills USA Pin/T-Shirt Design (SEE DVC 2019-2020 Google Classroom)
    1. Embed images AND Convert type to outlines
    2. Print designs 
    3. Upload Illustrator file AND JPEG to the classroom
  1. Portfolio Creation (Video Tutorial)
    1. create intro page 
    2. create portfolio page with 8-row table
  2. Complete/Submit Choice Project
  3. GMetrix 
    1. Start a new Test
    2. Redeem Code: 19632-AIAM-10360
    3. "Illustrator Certification Practice" 
EXTRA Credit/Alternate Projects:
VHS to DVD Transfer +10 points per tape
OCVTS News: (Replace Project Grade)
+5 for daily grade Write a response to the job posting below and share it with me
+15 send the letter and share the response with me