Tuesday, November 15, 2016


What did you learn about Berkeley College yesterday? Would you consider going? Reply with your answer.
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  1. I learned it's a college for digital design. I wouldn't consider going because it doesn't interest me.

  2. What I learned about Berkeley College is that they are a nice, family-esque college that actually cares about each individual students. So pretty much, just the same old stuff you see about colleges that have TV commercials.

    I'm not going to attend because it's out of state, so it's either I attend or never go to Disney ever again for the rest of my life. It's pretty obvious which decision is better.

  3. that they are not just a graphic design school, they also major in business and interior design ect. I'm not really considering it.

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  5. What I think about Berkeley College? Well, in my perspective I believe it is an 'okay' college, I suppose. I mean like they try their best to get students motivated to strive to get into their college or other colleges. They tried to show the every aspect of what they can offer you if you attend their college like there are '10' campuses and housing you can live in. Also they have small classes so you can be comfortable and adapt to the environment; Also making a lot of friends who will accept you for who you are. I already seen them come to my home school when I was still a student but I didn't think too fond of Berkeley College.

    In verdict. I would say it is a good college to some extent but I personally don't think of attending there.

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  7. I would consider going to Berkeley but it cost $20,000 a year, and I only make $8,500 a year. So it would basically take me 3 years to afford college. plus, Berkeley in an hour drive away from me instead of being in a different state like Oregon.

  8. I learned it's a college more based on Graphic Design and less on Photography than Antonelli Institute, the presenter was very friendly and presented the college with many cool videos. Despite this, I don't think I would go. Why?? Same reason as Zach, it's out of state, I do not want to attend a college that's out of state, especially in New York where the drivers are completely nuts!

  9. Its a college that focuses on what I want to do create make movies,videos, ads, logos and merchandise for unsigned artists. It seems to me like a good choice but I'm not sure just yet

  10. I think berkeley college is a good college to go to however its not a college i would attend not because its out of state (which im definitely looking at doing) it seems like a college that does more interests on like graphic design which doesnt deal with animation and such. I mean i definitely will consider it if i happen to change my elective.

  11. I learned that Berkeley was a art school which I never knew.

  12. berkly college seemed interesting as far as the interior design program, but i felt as if nothing really stood out to me personally that made it a better choice than any of the other colleges that i've read/learned about.

  13. I learned that Berkeley College was a nice place to go, but it didn't really seem like the best for design. As well as selling design to us, the presenter sold the other majors the school had as well.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. i learned typography it was cool something david carson did for magazines i liked the frist collage visit so far

  16. What I learned from Berkeley college is that they will try to get you an internship when you go there. what she didn't say was the cost to go there (SMH) the presentation was pretty generic but i liked it

  17. I learned that they are famous for there criminal justice program
    also I thought that half of the presentation was about the college and half was an art lesson

  18. I learned that there criminal justice program is very good

  19. I learned that It is a very accepting school. You just have to do an entry exam and if you pass, you're eligible

  20. I learned that Berkeley College is very geared towards helping you to the best of your ability and making sure you actually learn and feel comfortable at their school. I think i would consider going there.


  21. What I learned about the presentation yesterday was college having anything that would be good for Graphic designers. I would consider going but I'm doing the 2yr program for vocational school and I wanted to go to college but I can't but I iwsh.

  22. I learned that it had many different things for one to do but its not really for me.

  23. No I don't think I will apply, I already applying to many colleges and I have the ones I want to go to already planned out

  24. I learned that it's a college that specializes in digital design, but also has interesting subjects such as Criminal Justice and Interior design.

  25. being honest the only thing i learned is that they had a famous criminal justice course. no

  26. I wouldn't consider going because those subjects don't personally interest me.

  27. it was alright but my mind still on Full Sail or AI. I might change my mind along the way.It does have animation but i don't know.

  28. I learned that it is an easy going college and the students are very supportive.

  29. I learned Berkley College offers graphic design, interior design, and fashion which all go hand-in-hand with each other. I would consider going because I like the location of where it is in Manhattan.

  30. I learned that the college is more about things that I personally am not interested in like they are big in criminal justice and like more of art stuff that I am not going for.

  31. I learned about logos design, colors, advertising, and how some companies change through the time. And it looks a great place to learn a lot of things.

  32. What did you learn about Berkeley College yesterday? They have many opportunities for graphic design and such. Would you consider going? No, I'm planning to hopefully go to William Patterson or Montclair state to continue my education to become a teacher.

  33. I learn that Berkley College has much to offer in the designing category of jobs such as interior designing and fashion. I don't think I would like to attend Berkley because most of the jobs I'm interested in are not available to study in Berkley.

  34. i learned that berkley isnt my go to choice the pretty much said the same things as antonelli i wish full sail would visit
