Monday, November 14, 2016


1. Submit missing projects (Halloween Banner Character, Anti-Bullying Poster) in Google Classroom
2. How did the election effect you? Did you vote? Reply with your answer
3. Post any siginificant photos/video from your week off.

1. Complete Cover Page, Table Of Contents and AT LEAST 5 project pages for Magazine/Portfolio

2. College Presentation-Berkeley College
3. Post jpegs and write a description of what you did in your blog


  1. I'm not happy about the outcome of the election, and I'm not old enough to vote. Bob The Builder 2020 "We Can Fix It"

  2. My thoughts on the election, you ask? Well...I didn't vote, it wasn't because who ran, I just simply didn't feel like it, very simple as that, next year, however, I will vote for who will be our next governor, anyone who isn't Chris Christie will most likely be a fantastic governor, back to the Presidential Race, I am very satisfied with the fact that Republican Donald Trump won, in my house, however, three out of the five us in my house are quite upset that Trump won, but I'm still very happy that Trump won, he will make America Great Again!

  3. This is Zac. My ocvts account is all whack so I'm answering as my regular Google.

    The Election didn't effect me in any way whatsoever, and thus I didn't even vote. I have a LOT of photos from my week(s) off, but I don't have them because they would take up the entire remainder of my Adobe Cloud storage to bring them here :P.

  4. I didn't vote because I was very confident that Trump would win, he did and he needed to. If Hillary won, we would have started World War 3. I mean hyer supporters are criminals and it proves that they are because people are getting beat up, People are forced to leave their homes by their parents, and people that claim to be protesters are burning flags and blocking the Trump towers and to answer the question is this a protest they are just making a fool of themselves. Everyone just needs to get over it and if they cant they need to leave the United States because we are better off without them.

    1. They also have been blocking up many of the streets in NY

  5. Did the election effect me? No because I don't really care about the election and I did not vote

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Whoops, the spacing was wonky, anyway I didn't care who won.

  7. The election didn't effect me at all. I did not vote because I am not into politics.

  8. The election does not effect me. Yet.... we dont know what trump will do because he is a wildcard. I did not vote for him but i do accept as our president

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I never intended to vote in the first place since there isn't anything great about "Hillary" nor "Trump!" Once they announced who won, I only will just see what will happen and how will "Trump" achieve his 'Ideals'; but I am sure that Trump isn't going to build the wall since he can't decide thing away because the congress will be in charge whether they approve of trump's decision or not. I really have much to say since what has happened can't be changed.

  10. Personally the election did not effect me because trump is the one who could make it great or will actually take america backwards and we dont know what will happen But thts none of my business *sips lipton tea*

    1. then again i think a dead monkey would make a better president

    2. we cant vote for something that is dead :/

    3. 11,000 people voted for harambe

  11. am happy its over donald trump lets make america great again hope that thing stops in new york

  12. hey listen either way you look at it this country was screwed in the election. yes i didnt vote nor did i care about the election but honestly you had a crooked runner up and a "racist" competitor. so honestly i just let america pick who was going to screw the country

  13. i didn't vote, as did most people I know. this was the crappiest election in the history of ever

  14. I didn't vote because Trump is racist, and I want a girl president..just not Hillary, this world is now all messed up with people doing riots and people burning the american flag..were goonna die.

  15. I don't get involved in politics and honestly as screwed as I think we are I'm over it.

  16. Well to be honest American people brought it on themselves.Many actually voted for a dead meme.I stop caring,ether way we could of had a WW3 but got something else instead sooo ehhh

  17. This election impacted me in a way that this country is going to fall apart, not saying it already isn't, but now it's down in the dumps 100%. This election all together was messed up. I did not like either person that was running, and am 100% glad I wasn't old enough to vote this year.

  18. I don't care just think the protesting is stupid if you mad about democracy you don't have to stay here I hope the protesters get tear gassed.

  19. I can't vote so i'm powerless anyways, also either way I know it's ending badly

  20. I'm not old enough to vote but this election was something else.

  21. I'm not 18 so i couldn't vote. I'm staying optimistic about the election and I will stay away from politics for the rest of my life.

  22. I didn't vote because I missed the registration dead line even though I'm of age to vote. I don't think most people understand the position me and many others are taking from the election. Most probably think it is about politics, and I can only tell you that you are wrong. This is not about losing an election, this isn't about not winning a contest. This is about two very different ways of seeing the world. Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America, her campaign was one of inclusion and connection and interdependence. It was about building bridges and breaking ceilings. Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one that is largely white and straight and Christian. His campaign was based off of fear and exclusion and isolation. Every piece of anti-LGBT legislation Mike Pence has championed has been signed off on. So this isn't a political defeat that we are lamenting, it's a defeat for humanity. I'm not angry that my candidate lost, I'm angry because this means our country will back track near to all of it's progress of equality. Those who have come so far fighting for equality, have to relive it all over again. I'm comfortable with my sexual orientation, but the fact that the vice president of our country is portraying such a poor message claiming that "homosexuality can be fixed with conversion therapy" and that "transgenders using the bathroom that they sexually identify as is a safety threat to children" is actually sickening. If you want to convince yourself for a second that this country was never not great, and that somehow it now is, then you seriously need to reevaluate every aspect of your narrow-minded life.

  23. I do not agree with how the election turned out. I did not vote, but if I could have, I would have voted for Hillary Clinton. Not because she is a woman, but because she supports women more than Trump will.

  24. i like how the election went, everyone was surprised. all the hillary supporters were in shock when they found out she lost to the point of tears witch was pretty amusing. her supports are rioting just to get attention which is just sad its a shame that someone cant win without someone complaining and causing a riot in the street now a days. i dont even think they are rioting for a specific reason the just want the first woman president well sorry better luck next time get over it

  25. I can't vote so I have no power anyway. :(

  26. I think it was a very difficult election, I could not vote, but I think the future of the country will be better as long as we do not allow ourselves to be corrupted by corruption, disorder, and fear.

  27. Ya I voted my mom won and is on town counsel again and my grandpa is still mayor so that happened.
