Tuesday, November 20, 2018



  1. Make sure you are following me on Google+ (Jeremy Dusza) 
  2. Look at examples of Thanksgiving Floats. If you were a float designer, what would you create?
  3. Reply to this blog with your answer (make sure your name is shown)
  4. Turn-In Field Trip Permission Slips/Money

Image result for macy's thanksgiving floats
  1. Understand Illustrator basics and workspace
  2. Create a Nametag using basic shapes and text styling
  3. Discuss History and Plan for "Thanksgiving Floats"
  4. Design "Thanksgiving Float"
  5. Document work via online blog


  1. I would make a fortnite float to dab on the haters.

  2. If I were a float designer, I would make something interactive with AR technology. there would be a QR code on the side of the float/ on TV that people can scan and play a thanksgiving arcade game...

  3. If I was a float designer, I would create a float advertising a popular video game, since you don't really see too many floats involving video games.

  4. I would make a white turkey float based on my late pets Alexander Gobbleton and Aaron Burrd ;-;

  5. I would create probably create an animatronic float because I feel parades don't really incorporate them that much.

  6. If I were a float designer, my main goal would be to make it an eye catcher and put easy to notice easter eggs on or around the float to keep peoples attention.

  7. I think it would be interesting to see the same technology used with the classic turkey float on a more modern float (more lifelike in appearance and movement).

  8. If I were a float designer I would add some characters from the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  9. If I was a float designer I would make a giant float of myself just because I think that would be funny.

  10. if i was a float designer i would create donkey because who said asses couldn't fly

  11. I would probably make a float based on a game or series that doesn't get enough love.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If I was a float designer I would keep it as a turkey float only because I think it's tradition. I like tradition many people do.

  14. If I was a float designer, I would create a float based on my interests. Maybe a float based on a character from a TV show I'm interested in, or a movie I like.

  15. If you ask me, the float I would enjoy creating is the one of Pikachu. The reason I would choose this float is because growing up I loved watching the "original" Pokemon with my older sisters in the living room. I enjoy the design, thought process and excitement with in the show. Yet you see Pikachu as a male he was originally made as a female and voiced by one, there for I would do the same for my float.

  16. I think something with augmented reality would be cool, maybe have an app that the people watching it could download and use their camera to see something, or play a game in ar on the float.

  17. If I was a float designer is to make a Jojos Bizarre Adventure Vento Aureo float where they do the torture dance for the entire parade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhW16s-uZZw for context

  18. Replies
    1. If I were to design a float, I would create a Scott Pilgrim float, this is because it is one of my favorite comic characters. -Zachary Rios

  19. If I were to make a float, I would make a float for Stan lee. Or a float for Disney's Pixar.

  20. I would make a pilgrim turkey with a pilgrim hat and other pilgrim cloths.

  21. If I were to design a float, I would make it all Big Cats. To tie in Thanksgiving, I would have some of the Big Cats eating turkeys (the ones you would buy in the supermarket). And to tie in my Big Cat advocacy work, I would put a message on the side about ending the abuse of Big Cats.

    1. This is Matthew Barberio. Not sure why it didn't show

  22. If I were to design a float, I would try to have it show off the advancements in technology from that year.

  23. The characters I would make already had a float. one in 2012 I believe and one in 2018. But I guess I would have to pick a different cartoon character. Maybe if I created my own cartoon series, I would make a float based on the most popular character.

  24. Id probably make like I don't know something with like a bottle of coca cola for some sponsorship money

  25. I think that we should bring back the Humpty Dumpty from the 1960s as a call back to the original one.

  26. I would also make an iron man float.

  27. If I were a float designer I would make a Deadpool float to sponsor the upcoming movie they just announced yesterday.

  28. If I was a float designer I would create a the bird from the movie Free Birds

  29. iron man and pilgrim turkey Eliangel Perez

  30. If I was a float designer I would create one that had to do with something that I like. It be cool to see one that is just based on the comics books to where the float would have different characters and backgrounds that look like it came from the comic.

  31. If I were a float designer, I would create a Scott Pilgrim float, based off the comic Scott Pilgrim.
    -Zachary Rios

  32. If I was a float designer I would just keep it traditional with turkeys and pilgrims. I feel like many people like to keep things traditional with Thanksgiving.
