Tuesday, January 23, 2018


  1. Put all phones away
  2. Vote for your favorite Portrait with a +1.
    Write why you chose it. (Coloring, texture, etc.) -ENGLISH GRADE
  3. Make a smaller version of your Portrait Reference Image (2x3). Print and staple or glue it to your final Portrait to show the before/after - MATH GRADE
  4. Listen for 3rd MP class assignments
**You will NOT be allowed to go to the store if you are missing any projects or classwork

  1. Video Project 
    1. Write Script (See Example), 
    2. Lighting/Audio Demo
    3. shoot video
  2. Portfolio - Add lessons from portrait project (3 brushes, Swatches, Shading, Final Result)
    Final Reflection - 
    1. What was your favorite project, why? 
    2. What do you think was the most useful skill learned in the class? 
    3. Would you do anything differently if you could start the class over again?
  3. January Research Project - Employability

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